Sarge’s Changes since Beta 2.2:
- Moved DeusEx.Int to the mod’s System folder, so as to not overwrite
any vanilla files. The int file will be handled automatically when using
Kentie’s Deus Exe.
- Numerous Bug Fixes
- Fixed GMDX bug where Intro Cinematic didn’t have subtitles bars, and
fixed all cinematics to have a FOV of 75, making them always look
accurate to the original game.
- Fixed a bug where the Nuke and Worm software buttons were completely
white squares on the Hacking menu.
- Fixed GMDX vRSD bug where you could pick up and carry heavy objects
while out of energy with the Muscle Augmentation
- Fixed GMDX vRSD bug allowing using Tech Goggles in the secondary
slot for half a second or so when out of charge
- Fixed the Crosshair Visibility settings in the options getting
constantly overridden by lasers etc. The outer crosshairs showing your
accuracy are also now linked to the Crosshair visibility setting.
- Fixed GMDX Bug where EMP’d turrets and cameras will re-enable
themselves after the EMP effect runs out, even if they were disabled
during the EMP effect.
- Fixed various issues relating to Crouching, including “standing up”
when starting dialogue, female JC using regular footstep sounds while
crouched (if using LDDP), and other phantom footstep sounds.
- Fixed GMDX/Vanilla issue where you could retain your standing
accuracy bonus after moving if you stood still for a long time. Now
accuracy decreases immediately.
- Fixed GMDX/Vanilla issue where Environmental Training items would
have the same durations at Trained and Advanved due to rounding.
- Fixed GMDX/Vanilla issue where Darts would display a damage of 20
instead of 18, which is their actual damage.
- Fixed vRSD bug (feature?) where the player would not cough after
using cigarettes if the addiction system was enabled.
- Fixed Vanilla bug where picking up ammo would add it to the players
current clip, rather than their reserve ammo.
- Fixed GMDX Ammo duplication glitch when looting corpses while having
a full inventory.
- Fixed GMDX bug where Ford Schick would not give you an upgrade
canister when telling you he swiped one, if ConFix isn’t installed.
Fixed by adding it to his desk.
- Fixed a number of typos in various places.
- Fixed Vanilla bug where sound volume would reset upon new game.
- Fixed single-use weapon weirdness, such as picking up a PS20 with no
rounds in it after it was dropped and then all rounds fired from a
second PS20.
- Fixed GMDX bug where tiredness effects from low stamina would reset
- Fixed vanilla “bug” where diving into or leaving water would give
free stamina.
- Fixed vRSD “Meat Shotgun” and other HDTP->Vanilla weapon
switching madness.
- Fixed GMDX quickloading not always working correctly, and other save
issues including incorrect save-game ordering in the save/load
- Fixed many other GMDX and Vanilla bugs.
- Fixed GMDX bug where most inventory items with multiple skins (such
as sodacans) weren’t showing their skinned variants when being held in
the players hands.
- Quality of Life Improvements:
- Complete overhaul of the “Decline Knives” system
- “Decline Knives” setting has been removed
- A new Decline button has been added to items in the inventory.
Clicking it will decline a specific item going forward, preventing it
from being taken off corpses.
- The decline list is stored globally and consistent between
- Items can be removed from the decline list in the inventory
- Holding the Walk/Run key while frobbing a corpse will pick up any
declined items.
- Datacubes will show a black screen after they have been read.
- While having a grenade selected, the crosshair will turn blue when
you’re able to place it on a wall.
- Right-Clicking while dead will load the last save game.
- Right-Clicking an item in the belt with the Inventory Window open
will clear the slot.
- The Inventory “Show Ammo” display now always shows the total amount
of ammo you can carry. Before, it was only visible when “Show
Descriptions” was enabled.
- A lot of inventory item displays have been improved to show more
- Added a Lighting Accessibility setting, which removes some strobing
and flickering in certain areas on some maps, such as the ’Ton hotel
elevator shaft.
- Added a new corpse searching setting, “Enhanced Looting”, which
makes the first right-click on a corpse never pick them up, even if
empty, so that you can search them reliably without accidentally picking
them up.
- Additionally, the first time a corpse is interacted with, it will
show any items which it contains that you cannot pick up (such as
duplicate weapons and declined items).
- Added a new setting to show “[Searched]” text after interacting with
corpses once, to differentiate between those which have been searched
and which have not.
- Added a new keybinding to stop the currently playing infolink.
- Completely overhauled the GMDX settings menu to make it simpler,
easier to navigate, and with many more options.
- Edibles and Drugs can now be assigned as secondary items.
- Pressing the walk/run key while crouch toggled will now
- You can no longer waste medkits or biocells when at maximum
- The HUD now shows stamina and bioenergy percentages below the bars
if enabled.
- Added alternate weapon offsets to hide many of the visible seams or
missing parts of weapon viewmodels.
- Weapons that don’t use ammo (such as melee weapons) no longer show
the Ammo element on the HUD.
- Modified Weapons will appear with a “+” icon on the belt and in the
inventory screen to differentiate them from unmodded ones.
- Augmentation Wheel improvements
- While in the augmentation screen, use middle-click on an active
augmentation to add or remove it from the augmentation wheel.
- By default all augmentations will appear on the wheel.
- The “Disable All” button can optionally be removed using the options
- The augmentation wheel can be changed to work in Quick mode. In
Quick mode, releasing the augmentation wheel key will select the
currently highlighted augmentation. Use right click to cancel.
- Added a new setting to always show weapon bloom.
- Added a new setting to not show weapon bloom when at 100% accuracy,
because it can obscure targets.
- In the Inventory screen, charged items will now show their charge
level on their icon. Additionally, belt slots containing charged items
will show their charge level.
- Lockpicks and Multitools will no longer be consumed if you look away
from an object you’re picking/bypassing. Instead, the action will be
cancelled and any progress cancelled.
- Added an optional “Dynamic Crosshair” mode, which shows a small
dot-crosshair when no weapons is equipped, and some items have no
crosshairs at all.
- Also fixed many instances of crosshair weirdness.
- The hit marker no longer hides the crosshair when it appears.
- Default Right-Click action (holster/unholster) is no longer blocked
by having non-highlighting decorative objects under your crosshair.
- The Crosshair and Selection Brackets will be hidden when a window or
menu is open, as they would previously get in the way of notes and other
- The secondary ammo display for items (when assigned as secondary
items) now shows inventory count, rather than always displaying N/A
- Reloading “One-shot-at-a-time” weapon (shotguns, crossbow, GEP gun)
will show the ammo count in the ammo display, rather than
, because reloading can be cancelled part way
- “One-shot-at-a-time” weapons now have “RDS” instead of “MAGS” on the
ammo HUD.
- “One-shot-at-a-time” weapons have a different formula for
calculating reload speed (RDS/SEC).
- “One-shot-at-a-time” reload cancelling has been made far more
- Added an option to display the total amount of ammo remaining,
rather than the number of magazines.
- Different shotgun shells have different textures, and the boxes were
reworked to have a different texture for easier identification.
- Shells also have different sounds when they hit the floor
- Equipping/Unequipping Environmental Training items gives you a
unique sound depending on the item.
- Pressing the Reload key will no longer reload weapons that have a
full clip, unless Trick Reloading is enabled (always enabled on
- Laser Attachments now re-enable themselves automatically if a weapon
is holstered and reselected.
- Hardcore Mode difficulty selection and Gameplay Settings menu are no
longer locked behind completing the game, however they strongly warn
against changing them.
- Double-Click holstering now also works to enable Double Click
Unholstering, rather than always unholstering with right-click (with IW
toolbelt) or doing nothing (regular Toolbelt)
- The number of total Lockpicks or Multitools in your inventory is now
listed on lockpicking/electronics information windows, allowing you to
see how many lockpicks or multitools you have compared to how many are
required to bypass a given device or lock.
- The text is also color coded, showing as yellow when you only just
have the amount of tools required, and red if you don’t meet the
- The Damage Threshold text is also red if the currently selected
weapon is not able to beat the damage threshold.
- If this setting is disabled, lockpicks and multitools will display
their total count in the ammo display window, allowing you to easily see
how many you have when you don’t have them on your belt.
- Belt Autofilling can now be disabled in the options.
- Save Points no longer use Autosave slots, which can be easily
overridden by accident, and now create fresh hard-saves instead.
- The Dialog Screen has been significantly improved
- A display showing your current credits balance has been added to the
upper panel of the Conversation window.
- The number keys can be used to select dialog topics (and numbered
labels will appear beside each option).
- The Dialog Menu can now use the HUD Color theme, rather than always
having blue text.
- Dialog Menu options can be configured in the option screen.
- The Nano Keyring now tells you which key was used when
locking/unlocking a door.
- Complete overhaul of “Left-click frobbing”, which happens when
left-clicking certain items without an item equipped.
- Left-Clicking a datacube will pick it up and allow you to carry
- Left-Clicking a breakable box, window or wall will select a melee
weapon from your inventory based on a priority list.
- The priority list is as follows: Chinese Sword, Crowbar, Combat
Knife, Baton, Dragon Tooth Sword.
- If you don’t have the weapon or the weapon deals less damage than
the breakable object’s DT, it’ll go to the next one in the priority
- The DT check is disabled on hardcore, so it simply checks the
weapon’s priority and equips it even if it won’t deal enough damage to
break the container.
- Left-Clicking on a door will pull out the Nano Keyring if you have
the correct key, otherwise it will pull out a lockpick.
- This behaviour is disabled in Hardcore mode
- In Hardcore, Left-Clicking on a door will always pull out a lockpick
(or the keyring if the lock is unpickable or you have no lockpicks).
Right-clicking will then swap between the keyring and lockpicks.
- Left-Clicking on a corpse will always pick it up regardless of
inventory. Double-Rightclick still works.
- Right-Clicking with the Keyring equipped will select your last used
- The Pedometer can now be viewed in the Health screen when using the
Addiction system.
- Subtitles are now enabled in third-person cutscenes regardless of
Subtitles setting, allowing text to show instead of useless black bars
while also not displaying in-game barks. This can be disabled using the
option in DeusEx.ini
- Added “Belt Memory”. When belt memory is enabled, using the last
item in a belt slot will keep a darkened version of the item’s icon in
the toolbelt
- Regardless of the Autofill setting, no other items will be added to
the item’s slot automatically.
- Regardless of the Autofill setting, all items of the remembered type
will be automatically added to the belt slot when picked up.
- Belt memory can be overridden by manually adding an item to a given
belt slot at any time, and can be cleared by right-clicking on a belt
- Items dropped from the inventory or via the drop key will not be
remembered, to allow easily throwing away unwanted junk without
affecting the belt.
- Right-Clicking items in the belt while the inventory screen is open
will clear the belt slot.
- Invisible War Toolbelt improvements and bugfixes
- Fixed bug where selected icon in the belt was forgotten between game
- With Double Click Unholstering enabled, a single-rightclick will
unholster a weapon if the selection was changed.
- Pressing a number key again while its slot is selected will set it
as the primary selection.
- Added “Classic Mode”. In Classic Mode, right-clicking while having a
belt item selected which is not the primary selection will select the
primary selection, similar to GMDX v9.
- Fixed GMDX bug where you could scroll to empty slots when using the
IW toolbelt.
- “Smart Keyring” support added.
- When Smart Keyring is enabled, the keyring will no longer occupy
belt slot 0, allowing it to be used for regular items.
- The keyring can be selected using Left-Click Frob on doors.
- Gameplay Changes:
- The Dragons Tooth Sword now requires Biocells to use. It starts with
100% charge, with each attack taking 2% if it hits a target, giving you
50 hits total. Biocells restore 20% (or 30% with the Field Repair perk),
giving you an additional 10 (15) hits each.
- Putting a scope or a laser sight on the GEP gun now requires the
Heavily Tweaked perk (ADVANCED heavy weapons, 100 skill points). The
scope and laser sight still provide rocket guidance capabilities.
- Added a new “Weapon Requirements Matter” Playthrough Modifier. When
enabled, most weapons will require a minimum skill investment in order
to be used.
- Demolitions Skill Overhaul
- Demolitions Skill-based grenade timing rescaled from 0.5, 1.0, 2.5,
7.0 seconds to 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 2.5 seconds
- Being able to pick up disarmed grenades is now based on skill level
- Trained for Gas Grenades, Advanced for EMP and Scrambler Grenades,
Master for LAMs.
- EMP damage will always permanently disable grenades, making them
unable to be reused, regardless of skill level.
- Reverted GMDX change limiting Assault Rifles, Assault Shotguns and
Sawed Off’s to 4 damage mods. Now they can have 5 just like everything
- This was done because of integer truncation. In GMDX v9, the 5th
upgrade would change their base damage from 4.2 to 4.5, which was
pointless as it was rounded to 4 either way.
- With vRSD partial damage calculations were added, so this is now
relevant again.
- Crowbar has been changed from +5 damage vs breakables to instead
having 2x damage against breakables, to scale better with low-tech.
- Augmentation Changes
- Some augmentations have been given a short cooldown on use. The Spy
Drone retains it’s 30 second cooldown.
- Augmentations that need to recharge after use (including the Spy
Drone) will show a red icon in the Augmentations window while they are
- Swapped Level 2 and 3, because level 2 was arguably better than
level 3. Now level 2 detects environmental hazards, level 3 shows
visibility on the HUD.
- Level 2 “Hazard Detection” now detects multiple threats (not just
one at random), and can also detect grenades. Only the closest gas cloud
will be shown, to reduce clutter.
- Detection Range also increases at Level 3.
- Aggressive Defense System:
- Will no longer display explosives which aren’t detonated, so it
can’t be used to detect placed grenades at long range anymore
- Will instead continue to display destroyed projectiles on the HUD
for a second or so after they are destroyed.
- Now only beeps as projectiles enter range, to prevent annoying
- Range increased from 340/480/640/800 to 400/600/800/1000
- Added Player Damage Reduction for projectiles detonated by ADS.
Reduces damage from projectiles by 20%/30%/40%/50%
- Hacking Overhaul
- Bypassing Turrets now requires Advanced hacking, as in Vanilla.
- Hacked Cameras and Turrets will “reboot” and become re-enabled again
after 2 minutes (plus an additional 2 minutes for each level of the
Hacking skill)
- Hacking a security computer terminal will disable it and show an
access denied message instead, similar to ATMs (Optional, always enabled
in Hardcore).
- The number of times a computer can be hacked is based on your
Computers skill.
- Regular computers will never be locked out, so you can read email to
your hearts content.
- Normalized damage from the Plasma Rifle, PS20, the flamethrower, and
- Now they will use the same damage multiplier across all limbs,
making the damage more reliable against enemies.
- This also means you will take less damage from plasma and explosives
to your torso and head.
- Charged Objects no longer destroy themselves on use in Hardcore
- The rifle’s grenade launcher doesn’t require reloading to turn on,
but you need to reload after each shot. It now works like a different
- Increased the sawed off shotgun’s pellet count from 8 to 9, and
decreased shot speed from 1.3 to 1.2.
- Rubber shells are now hitscan with a harmless projectile.
- Restricted Saving is now a Playthrough Modifier and is no longer
restricted to Hardcore Mode. It’s still enforced in Hardcore Mode.
- Added No Console Access Playthrough Modifier, which prevents using
the console (disallows cheats) while playing.
- Added No Keypad Cheese Playthrough Modifier (called “Unknown Codes”)
which prevents using keypads or computer logins without having found
them beforehand. Some codes which are hinted but never given are
- AI Behaviour Changes
- Enemies will now have a small delay (usually between 0.1 and 0.6)
seconds before firing after losing sight of the player.
- This has almost no effect on normal gameplay, other than reducing
enemies ability to instantly shoot as they strafe around corners,
resulting in frustrating one-shots.
- Enemies can now always fire while strafing (was previously a 90%
chance). This makes them slightly more aggressive, but combined with the
previous change doesn’t make them more frustrating.
- You now take stamina damage from poison, to encourage better
management of your stamina bar and give aqualung/ahtletics an indirect
buff in combat.
- Increased ballistic armor durability loss by double, untrained
enviro has the same values.
- Added Door Locking mechanics
- You can now lock any door you have the nanokey for, plus any doors
you have picked previously if you have the Locksport perk (this is
- Enemies cannot open doors which you have locked (Enemies can still
open doors that are initially locked in the map unless you lock
- When using Restricted Saving (and Hardcore Mode), Autosaves are now
only created the first time upon entering a new level, or if no save has
been performed in the last 15 minutes. This is designed to mitigate
save-abuse by crossing between maps.
- Weapon Mod, Enemy Weapon and Container Randomisation gameplay
modifiers now use a table of predetermined random numbers, generated at
the start of the game, rather than randomising on map load. This means
that you can no longer reroll randomisation for a given map by loading a
save before a transition to a new map.
- Perk System Rework
- Environmental Training Perks:
- Filter Upgrade (NEW TRAINED): An agent uses an upgraded hazmat suit
that filters out harmful chemicals, removing stamina damage from poison
and tear gas entirely.
- Blast Padding (NEW ADVANCED): An agent’s ballistic vest is fitted
with a protective layer that reduces susceptibility to self-damage from
explosive and plasma weaponry (-75%).
- Chameleon (NEW MASTER): An agent modifies thermoptic camo output
that enables the user to pass through laser alarms undetected.
- Thermal Imaging (REWORKED MASTER): An agent modifies tech goggle
functionality, implementing short-ranged sonar scanning which enables
the user to see potential threats through solid material.
- Heavy Perks:
- Heavily Tweaked (NEW ADVANCED): An agent is able to attach scopes
and laser sights to the GEP gun, enabling laser guidance and fly-by-wire
- Mobile Ordnance (NEW MASTER): An agent is able to modify the chassis
of flame weapons, stripping away unnecessary elements. Flamethrowers are
reduced in size by 3 inventory spaces.
- Addiction System Rework
- Alcohol no longer heals for 5 points. Instead, it temporarily gives
you 5 torso HP (along with it’s usual 5 extra torso Max-HP) while in
effect, which is removed afterwards. This health removal cannot kill the
- Alcohol no longer adds to fullness when the addiction system is
- Zyme no longer removes 10HP if the addiction system is enabled.
- Miscellaneous Changes:
- Single-Use weapons (grenades, PS20s, etc) will now drop individually
from the inventory screen, similar to pickups, rather than dropping as a
single stack.
- Vending Machines now vend random flavours of chocolate bar and soda.
This change is purely visual and doesn’t affect gameplay in any
- Hand textures have been ported over from LDDP. This means the
first-person weapon textures now have properly coloured hand textures,
as well as visible augmentation markings where they align with the third
person models.
- HDTP overhaul
- HDTP is no longer integrated, it’s now an optional addon.
- When HDTP is installed, most HDTP related objects can be toggled
on/off in the HDTP model settings menu
- Some HDTP assets were copied over where they were absolutely
necessary for the mod to function properly, such as a few menu
backgrounds, weapon muzzle flashes, and some textures. These are now in
RSDCrap.u and don’t require HDTP.
- Added some low-resolution vanilla-styled textures that were missing
non-HDTP variants (such as the Taser Darts, Big Top Cigarettes,
Softwares, etc.) These items will use their high-resolution variants
when enabled in the HDTP menu
- Added some extra features that were previously only available with
HDTP enabled, such as color-coded crossbow darts for the crossbow
- Changed some textures to different ones to account for their HDTP
variants better, such as the glowing areas on Security Cameras, which
now have a proper blue variant.
- Some HDTP features that were removed from GMDX (such as alternate
inventory icons) have been re-added.
- Vanilla Soda Cans are now sealed up, to match their HDTP
- Added an “Alternate Start” option, which skips the first part of the
game and starts at the MJ12 Lab. You will start with nothing, so this is
extra hardcore.
- The “You Found:” message when searching corpses has been removed.
The actual items are still listed, only the extra message is
- The Paris Metro Police have been changed to using pistols only (from
Assault Shotguns and Assault Rifles), to ensure more 10mm ammo is
available in the late game, as well as to reinforce their status as the
puppet regime under MJ12.
- Added a number of new HUD themes, including themes styled around
Splinter Cell, NSF, Human Revolution and more. Most themes are based on
ones created by GEPGUN, with some modifications.
- Added several new high-quality sounds in cases where interactions
didn’t have sounds, or used the same sounds for multiple interactions.
- Added equip/unequip sounds for the Lockpick, Nanokey and Multitool,
which were previously silent.
- Additionally replaced some sounds with higher quality versions, such
as the lockpicking sound.
- Combined LDDP conversation files with ConFix, making many of
ConFixes changes and corrections also apply to LDDP.
- Implemented optional Lay-D Denton support. If installed, Lay-D
Denton support will be automatically activated.
- Added an option to the QoL menu to allow male JC to use female
hands, for cosplaying as “goth JC” with nail polish.
- The Lay-D Denton colour scheme is included and can be selected from
the Colors menu.
- When Lay-D Denton is installed, a new Gameplay Modifier is
available, which will add the extra NPC’s added by the LDDP mod.
- Without the Gameplay Modifier, only Chet, Russ and a few other NPC’s
are added where necessary to maintain immersion and gameplay balance for
female characters. These characters do not appear for male JC